Concast’s three sided culverts, Tri-Span, are the ideal solution for applications that involve streams, creeks or other narrow waterways. Tri-Span geometry incorporates two attractive features for culvert design. First, Tri-Span has no bottom slab – it is specifically designed not to disturb the streambed, thus protecting the aquatic habitat. Second, Tri-Span’s flat top design is ideal for low cover applications where the depth of the road structure is limited. These environmentally friendly culverts are a cost effective alternative to full bridge construction. Multiple standard sizes are offered, which provide a full range of vertical & horizontal combinations. Rigid frame design with hinged supports help limit both lateral restraints and induced moments to the structure. Because they are precast, Tri-Span culverts allow for speedy installation and durability over the long run, making them the ideal option for many projects.
- Not as dependent on the pipe-soil interaction for its structural strength, therefore is not as installation sensitive as other culvert materials.
- 3 different installation options offered including precast wingwalls, precast headwalls and precast footings.
- Environmentally friendly- protects animal habitats.
Small bridge construction and replacement
Roadway, railway and airport underpasses/overpasses
Stream enclosures
Pedestrian walkways