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Concrete pipe is available in three basic shapes: circular, elliptical, and rectangular. Rectangular pipe is discussed in our Box Units.

Circular pipe is available in a wide range of nominal inside diameters from 300 to 3000mm. Standard strength classes are 50-D, 65-D, 100-D, and 140-D, but higher strength classes are available. The standard lay length for all pipe sizes is 2.44m, with shorter lengths available. Each circular pipe section is supplied with a single offset joint and a pre-lubricated rubber gasket, which is tested to a hydro-static pressure of 103 kPa (15 psi). Circular pipe can be designed for open-cut or jacking installation methods. For installation with high water tables and/or where the hydro-static pressure exceeds 103 kPa (15 psi), consider the use of PERFECT PIPE.

Elliptical concrete pipe is available in equivalent circular diameters of 900 to 3000mm. Standard strength classes available are Class HE-I to HE-IV. The standard lay length for all elliptical pipe sizes is 2.44m, with shorter lengths available. Some elliptical pipe sizes are supplied with single off-set rubber gaskets. Elliptical pipe can be designed for horizontal or vertical installations.


  • Not as dependent on the pipe-soil interaction for its structural strength, therefore is not as installation sensitive as other pipe materials

  • Quick installation in any weather condition

  • Available in countless configurations, such as bends, radius, and custom fittings


Storm and sanitary gravity sewer systems
Underground storage tanks

Culvert crossings
Pedestrian or wildlife crossings