Utility Chambers Banner


Rectangular utility chambers are produced using the same formwork as precast box units, so they are available in hundreds of inside dimension & wall thickness combinations to suit any application. The inside length and width dimensions of these chambers can be varied by 300mm increments and the wall thickness can be varied in 25mm increments to suit any depth and loading condition. Each precast section can be supplied with a single offset or shiplap joint to be filled with a gasket or mastic. The standard riser section heights are available in 300mm increments to a maximum of 2.4m.


  • Can be designed for various depths and loading conditions.
  • Available with cast-in hardware to accommodate site specific requirements.
  • Available in a variety of sizes to accommodate site specific applications.
  • Available in various riser heights for safe and efficient installation.
  • Can be supplied with extended base slabs to avoid potential buoyancy issues.
  • Can be designed to accommodate thrust requirements.
  • Eliminates expensive formwork, and reduces the time required for in-situ construction.
  • Very versatile and available with countless accessories, such as cast-in access hatches, safety platforms, and modular pipe seals.
  • Selecting the right Utility Chamber for your application is easy with the help of our Sales or Engineering staff. Concast has a range of sizes, and appurtenances to suit your every need.
  • Set-in-place Bridge Components


Manholes where pipe sizes are too large for a circular structure
Valve or meter chambers for watermain
Lift station wet wells
Stormwater management structures

Sump pits or underground storage tanks
Electrical vaults
Oil/grit separators and septic tanks